


Conversion Levels


Conversion Levels

The Reverse Trial - a New Monetization Strategy

for a Physics Simulation Web App

The Reverse Trial




Only a small percentage of the users of our $2,000/year physics simulation web app for optical designers were converting from free to paid.

Solution and Outcome

Solution and Outcome

Solution and Outcome

I conceptualized and designed the "Reverse Trial" strategy, which raised the free-paid conversion rate by at least 50% and improved the overall user experience for 3DOptix.

Main Concepts

The Reverse Trial is called that way because it turns the old strategy upside down: Instead of starting with a free and basic plan we will start with a free and premium plan:

Give new subscribers a 14 days free Professional plan trial while educating them about the unique and exclusive capabilities of it, thus utilize the feeling of loss aversion.

It is also meant to transform the onboarding process from being purely technical into an exciting user experience.

After the trial period, for free users, display Upgrade Popups on professional features instead of disabling their affordances, thus committing them to active instead of passive memory.

Some of the many Capabilities Carousel slides and Upgrade Popups.
(Illustrative, in reality only one of them is being displayed at a given time)

My Role

Solo UX Designer
Research, Concept and Strategy
UI and Visual Design
Prototyping, Branding, UX review and Usability testing.

My Role

Solo UX Designer
Research, Concept and Strategy
UI and Visual Design
Prototyping, Branding, UX review and Usability testing.

Catalog Redesign Timeline

March - April 2024

(parallel to several other projects)

Catalog Redesign Timeline

March - April 2024

(parallel to several other projects)

Primary User Benefit

2 weeks free premium trial while staying informed about the special capabilities that a professional 3DOptix plan offers.

Primary User Benefit

2 weeks free premium trial while staying informed about the special capabilities that a professional 3DOptix plan offers.

The 3DOptix Software

  • A web app for simulating light and optics

  • Design optical setups in 3D space with digital twins of real optical elements

  • SaaS that's both B2C and B2B and B2A (A for Academia ;)

3DOptix users

  • Optical engineers

  • Physicists

  • Commercial research labs

  • Academia: Students, labs, educators

Project Background

Even though 3DOptix had reached a high number of subscribers and active users, most seemed happy enough with using the default limited free version.
There was also a 14 day free premium trial on offer, but it involved paying $2000 upfront for a yearly membership, and not enough of our customers signed up for that.

We needed a better strategy! 

A meeting was called and I was tasked with developing a new design and approach.


Every project starts with research:

  • I analyzed user behavior according to usage and sales data together with the CEO and the PM

  • I did a heuristic analysis of the existing strategy

  • Competition research

  • Learned as much as I could about different freemium/premium sales strategies and the psychology behind them.

Read more

Read more

The old upgrade strategy

The old strategy was cluttering the 3DOptix workspace with deactivated affordances and little upgrade buttons that were always on display.

Problem breakdown - Why weren’t users upgrading?

Problem Breakdown
- Why weren’t users upgrading?

We were not selling our unique capabilities, we were hiding them!

As the result of my research I proposed several ideas aimed at creating a sense of value and necessity for our premium features by using strategic feature limitations and psychological principles.

My proposed solutions

  1. Free premium trial “Reverse Trial”

  1. Free premium trial “Reverse Trial”

  1. Informational upgrade popups

  1. Informational upgrade popups

  1. Flexible subscription plans

  1. Flexible subscription plans

  1. Marketing of our unique capabilities

  1. Marketing of our unique capabilities

After presenting my research to the PM and CEO of the company, they decided that we should implement and test most of my proposed solutions:

New and reversed strategy breakdown


The Reverse Trial designs consist of 2 main parts:

1. The Exclusive Capabilities Info Carousel
a. in the free Professional Plan trial

b. in the Basic plan

c. in newsletter and on website

  1. Upgrade Popups


Exclusive Capabilities Info Carousel
- in 14 days free trial of the free Professional Plan

4 out of the 9 slides in the info popup carousel

The implemented carousel during the first 14 days of free professional trial plan

During the free trial, the carousel opens on the Welcome slide on the first day, and then on a new slide every new day the user logs in.
Each slide is a info popup about the professional capabilities the new customer can explore and use during the trial.
I decided to design it as a carousel instead of separate info popups in order to give users access to all the info at all times, and also to make implementation and logistics easier for development.


The Exclusive Capabilities Info Carousel
- in the Basic (free) plan

2 out of the 9 slides in the info popup carousel, this time with upgrade CTA

The implemented carousel in the basic plan for users that didn’t upgrade after the free trial

For users that didn’t upgrade, the carousel is still available. It won’t open automatically anymore, but they can open it from the top bar icon and help menu. There is now a Go Professional! CTA button, no “days left” display anymore (of course).
And whoever didn't upgrade to the professional plan can still open it for info purposes from the help menu, this version of course doesn’t have a CTA button.


The Exclusive Capabilities Info Carousel more places

In the email newsletter journey

Screenshot from part of my Figma page with instructions for how to implement the info carousel in a newsletter journey.

On the homepage

Screenshot from the homepage


Professional Features Upgrade Popups

5 out of dozens of Upgrade Popups

Instead of cluttering the interface with upgrade buttons and disabling the professional feature affordances, from now on informational upgrade popups would be displayed when free users try to use professional features and click on the (enabled) affordance.
This is at the same time more aesthetically pleasing, more informational and will also, hopefully, turn into active memory which features they are missing out on (in order not to continue triggering the same popups again and again).

Upgrade - Popup designs

Upgrade - Popup designs:

In the Basic (Free) plan (for users that didn't upgrade after the initial 14-day free trial), any buttons that would open or activate professional features in a paid plan will instead open a feature upgrade popup with a CTA that opens the checkout page.

In the Basic (Free) plan (for users that didn't upgrade after the initial 14-day free trial), any buttons that would open or activate professional features in a paid plan will instead open a feature upgrade popup with a CTA that opens the checkout page.

Pricing Page redesign

Old Pricing Page

Old Pricing Page

This page needed to be redesigned to align with the new Reverse trial sales strategy. The existing design felt outdated, and the feature lists for the plans were not up to date.

New Pricing Page

New Pricing Page

  • Visual Design: Revamped the visual aesthetics for a modern and cohesive look.

  • Updated Pricing Offers: Aligned with the new Reverse Trial system.

  • Plan Renaming: Renamed "Standard" to "Professional."

  • Plan Removal: Removed the "Advanced" plan.

  • Feature List Enhancements: Improved the clarity and comprehensiveness of feature lists.

  • CTA buttons per user status: "Your current plan" buttons

  • Scroll Animation: Implemented a sticky, contracted version of the plans section when scrolling through the features list for better navigation.

What's next? Testing!

Popup success metrics to measure

“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.”
Winston Churchill

For more extensive testing for this tool, I would write usability tests for measuring the metrics in the diagram below and work in tandem with a UX research specialist.

Pricing page success metrics to measure

"If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it."
Peter Drucker

One of the assumptions I made was that users in the free trial should not be bothered by upgrade CTAs and be left alone to explore and appreciate the professional features first. I proposed to test this with an A/B test:

CTA on Carousel during free trial
- Proposed A/B Test














I'm really happy about the positive impact this project has had: 50% increased conversions, and a higher awareness about the unique capabilities of the Professional plan.

Thanks for reading! 🎈🙂🚀